Mastodon Power plant and calculations

Travelling grate Boiler cold start up procedure



This document is created to provide enough information to operation team for or carrying out the Boiler cold start up activity safely and smoothly.

2.Equipment details:

Make: XXX

Working pressure/Temperature: 110 kg/cm2/545 deg C

Capacity: 115 TPH


Shift In charge, Control room engineers and Boiler operators

 4.Recommended Safety PPEs:

Safety shoes, safety helmet, Face shield, Safety goggles, Boiler apron, hand gloves, ear plugs

 5.Tools/resources required:

 Fire wood, charcoal, diesel and pocking rods, walkie- talkies, Bagasse, coal, tractor dozers, JCB etc

 6.Man power required:

Shift In charge, Boiler Control room engineer, Boiler 1st class and 2nd class operator, Ash handling operator, Bunker/Silo operator, Fuel yard operators, Mechanical technicians unskilled labours for Boiler and supporting E&I engineer/Technician.


7.Potential Hazards Identified:

Back fire, flue gas leakage, steam & hot water leakages, employees over confidence, poor housekeeping, miss communication, slip/trip, entanglement, explosion/burst etc


8.Safety Checks and precautions:

  • Ø  Ensure all the required competent man power is available and are using job related specific PPEs.
  • Ø  Ensure all the resources are available.
  • Ø  Ensure adequate illumination at all the operating/working areas.
  • Ø  Ensure proper ventilation at all the operating/working areas
  • Ø  Ensure no any slippery area or accumulation of water at all the operating/working areas
  • Ø  Ensure no walkway/road blocks
  • Ø  Ensure proper housekeeping at all the operating/working areas
  • Ø  Ensure firefighting system/appliances is healthy and ready to use on immediate requirement
  • Ø  Avoid use of mobile while working
  • Ø  Ensure all the rotating parts of equipment are guarded fully
  • Ø  Ensure all the hot surfaces of the Boiler are insulated properly
  • 9.Pre-start up checks-I
  • Ø  Ensure all maintenance activities on Boilers are completed & work permits are closed and equipment are normalised for operation.
  • Ø  Ensure all equipments pre-start up trials conducted and are healthy to operate continuously.
  • Ø  Ensure Boiler’s all man hole doors (Furnace, super heater, bank zone, drum, economiser, plenum hopper, furnace front hopper etc) are closed.
  • Ø  Ensure Boiler thermal expansion pointers are available at all the desired locations and their initial readings are okay.
  • Ø  Ensure ESP and APH man hole doors are closed.
  • Ø  Ensure all safety valves Gags are removed.
  • Ø  Ensure steam drum vent, super heater vents and drains are open
  • Ø  Ensure start up vent MOV is open and control valve is closed initially
  • Ø  Ensure water wall headers all drains are closed
  • Ø  Ensure main steam stop valve and bypass valves are closed
  • Ø  Ensure IBD & CBD root valves are open and MOV valve is closed
  • Ø  Ensure DM water pump is healthy and its valve to Deaerator is open for initial make up.
  • Ø  Ensure HP & LP dosing pumps are healthy and their discharge valves to steam drum and Deaerator are open.
  • Ø  Ensure Deaerator inlet steam line valve is closed
  • Ø  Ensure deaerator vent line valve and vacuum breaker valves are open
  • Ø  Ensure Deaerator outlet to BFP inlet valve is open
  • Ø  Ensure all BFPs suction valves are open and discharge valves are closed
  • Ø  Ensure all BFPs are healthy to start on immediate requirement
  • Ø  Ensure feed control stations (30% and 100%) isolation valves and MOVs are open and control valves are in closed condition.
  • Ø  Ensure attemperator isolation valves are open and control valve is in closed condition
  • Ø  Ensure Bagasse screw feeders and extractors are heathy and their pre-trial is done
  • Ø  Ensure coal spreaders bearing cooling water lines inlet & outlet valves are open
  • Ø  Ensure FD & SA air dampers to furnace and OFA ducts are open and are set at desired positions.
  • Ø  Ensure instrumentation & service air compressors are healthy and ready for immediate use.
  • Ø  Ensure maintenance activities on AHP are completed and ready to take in service
  • Ø  Ensure ESP hopper heaters and insulator heaters are ON
  • Ø  Ensure APH bypass damper is open and main damper is partially or fully closed
  • Ø  Ensure Coal handling plant and Bagasse handling plants are healthy and their interlocks tests are conducted and found okay.


10.Pre-start up checks-II

Tank level

  • Ø  Ensure Drum level is 40-50%
  • Ø  Ensure Deaerator level is 65%
  • Ø  Ensure Feed water tank level is 70-80%
  • Ø  Ensure DM water storage tank levels are 80-90%
  • Ø  Ensure cooling tower level is 80%
  • Ø  Ensure tank levels showing in are matching with local gauge glass levels.
  • Ø  Ensure feed water parameters are normal



  • Ø  Ensure abundant Bagasse/coal is available at yard
  • Ø  Ensure Bagasse/coal parameters (Moisture, Ash & GCV) are normal
  • Ø  Ensure bagasse silos are full and silo gates are open
  • Ø  Ensure coal bunker level is 80-90%
  • Ø  Ensure tractor dozers and JCBs are available at yard
  • Ø  Ensure Diesel level at DG tank is 90-95% and another 3000-4000 litres diesel is available for immediate top up
  • Ø  Ensure Diesel transfer pump is healthy and running normal


11.Boiler start up Procedure

  • Ø  Stack fire wood/ baled bagasse inside the furnace for light up
  • Ø  Start ACWP pump and ensure all the parameters like discharge water pressure, bearing vibrations, temperature etc are normal
  • Ø  Start the Instrumentation air compressor and ensure all the operating parameters are normal by evidencing loading and unloading pressures are as per desired.
  • Ø  Start service air compressor and ensure all the operating parameters are normal
  • Ø  Start the ESP rapping system
  • Ø  Start the ash handling system
  • Ø  Start the coal spreaders
  • Ø  Start the Sub merged belt conveyor (SMBC) and ensure enough water level in conveyor trough.
  • Ø  Fire the fire woods and slowly rise the furnace temperature up to 175-200 deg C
  • Ø  Start Bagsse handling system and maintain silo levels 100%
  • Ø  Start ID fan at 10% reference followed by FD & SA fans and ensure balanced draft in furnace i.e + or – 2 to 3 mmwc and ensure fans operating parameters (Bearing vibration & temperature) are normal.Note that, initially one stream of fans shall be started and second stream shall be started once boiler reached at rated main steam pressure and temperature.
  • Ø  Ensure SA fans static pressure at discharge is 400-450 mmwc initially and increase gradually based on fuel feeding.
  • Ø  Start CR fan and maintain discharge static pressure 350-400 mmwc
  • Ø  Start fuel feeding system, start bagasse screw feeder followed by bagasse extractor at 5 to 10% reference initially
  • Ø  Gradually go on increasing the furnace temperature by increasing fuel feeding slowly.
  • Ø  Based on fuel feeding, gradually rise ID, FD & SA fans speed and always ensure balanced draft in furnace.
  • Ø  Keep continuous communication with Boiler field team and get the feedback on combustion in furnace.
  • Ø  At drum pressure 2 kg/cm2 close drum air vent valves
  • Ø  At steam pressure 3 to 5 kg/cm2, close all the super heater air vent valves.
  • Ø  Start HP & LP dosing system and ensure operating parameters (Discharge pressure, flow & tank levels) are normal.
  • Ø  Start rising the Boiler pressure and temperature as per OEM given start up curve.
  • Ø  Keep crack open CBD valve
  • Ø  If drum level is coming down, start the BFP and maintain the drum level. Initially maintain the drum level through single element (30%) control valve and keep it in manual mode.
  • Ø  If drum level increases, give blow down through IBD. Note that, during start up drum level can be maintained in the range of 30 to 80%. Do not allow to cross drum level > 85%
  • Ø  At 5 to 7 Kg/cm2 main steam pressure, close the primary super header drain valves.
  • Ø  At pressure 7 to 10 kg/cm2, stop the firing & give blow down through IBD and water wall bottom headers for 1 mi. Ensure normal drum level (40-50%) during blow downs.
  • Ø  At 7 to 10 Kg/cm2 main steam pressure, close the secondary super header drain valves.
  • Ø  At 10 to 15 Kg/cm2 main steam pressure, open start up vent control valve 10% and then close the radiant super heater header drain valves.
  • Ø  Gradually open the start-up vent control valve as per requirement to ensure minimum cooling steam flow through super heater coils and also to rise the main steam temperature
  • Ø  Always ensure that, minimum cooling steam is flowing through the super heaters when Boiler is under firing.
  • Ø  Keep on noting down the Boiler all headers thermal expansion readings at various temperature and pressure. And escalate if thermal expansions found non-uniform.
  • Ø  Ensure Ash is discharging from all the hoppers (Plenum, Economiser, APH and ESP hoppers)
  • Ø  Ensure bearing vibrations of BFP and fans are normal.
  • Ø  Ensure fuel feeding and handling system are running normal.
  • Ø  At 40-45 kg/cm2, gradually open the main steam by pass valve and start to charge the main steam line.
  • Ø  Check and confirm the steam and water coming out from main steam drain lines.
  • Ø  Gradually increase the main steam pressure and temperature and open main steam stop valve slowly (MSSV) after ensuring steam line has heated up and condensate has been removed completely. Note that, before opening MSSV, pressure at inlet and outlet of the valve is almost equal, this helps for easy operation of the valve
  • Ø  After opening MSSV, close by pass valve.
  • Ø  After ensuring proper charging of the main steam line, give clearance to Turbine engineer for vacuum pull up and other start up activities. And open the MSSV as per their requirement.
  • Ø  Increase the main steam pressure and temperature up to rated parameters i.e pressure 110 kg/cm2 and Temperature 545 deg C
  • Ø  At rated pressure and temperature, start the second stream of fans i.e ID, FD & SA fans & ensure fan & motor’s bearing vibration and temperatures are normal.
  • Ø  When boiler steam flow reaches more than 30% of its MCR, close the start-up vent control valve.
  • Ø  Charge ESP at inlet flue gas > 120 deg C
  • Ø  After normalisation of start-up, once again ensure all equipment bearing vibration and temperatures are normal and there not exist any abnormality.
  • Ø  Take drum level controller in Auto mode.

Top 30 Questions & Answers on ISO 45001:2018


Top 30 Questions & Answers on ISO 45001:2018

1. What is the significance to implement ISO45001:2018?

ISO 45001 is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a framework to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks and create better, safer working conditions.

2. When was ISO 45001:2018 introduced?

It was introduced in March-2028

3. What are the advantages of ISO45001:2018?

1. Identify and control health and safety risks

2. Reduce the potential for accidents

3. Aid legal compliance

4. Improve overall OHS performance

5. OHSMS helps to sustain the OHS performance of an organization

6. OHSMS provides a sense of confidence in its interested parties, such as the Government, Stake Holders, Customers, Local Community, among others.

4. What is meant by PDCA cycle?

It’s Plan-D0-Check-Act cycle

5. How ISO45001:2018 different than OHSAS 18001:2007?

1. High level structure

2. Business context and strategic planning 

3. Workers and other interested parties

4. Risk and opportunity management

5. Leadership and management commitment

6. Objectives and performance

7. Management of change

8. Extended requirements related to;

Participation, consultation, and participation of workers, Communication, Procurement, including outsourced processes and contractors

6. How many clauses are there in ISO 45001:2018

10 Nos of main clauses are there in ISO45001:2018

7. What are the 10 clauses of ISO 45001:20218?

Clause-1: Scope-Sub clauses: 4 Nos (1.1 to 1.4)

Clause-2: Narrative references

Clause-3: Terms & definitions, sub clauses: 7 Nos (3.1 to 3.7)

Clause-4: Context of the organization, Sub clauses: 4 Nos (4.1 to 4.4)

Clause-5: Leadership and Worker Participation, Sub clauses: 4 Nos (5.1 to 5.4)

Clause-6: Planning, sub clauses:2 Nos (6.1 to 6.2)

Clause-7: Support, sub clauses 2 Nos (7.1 to 7.5)

Clause-8: Operation, sub clauses 2 Nos (8.1 to 8.2)

Clause-9: Performance Evaluation, sub clauses: 3 Nos (9.1 to 9.3)

Clause-10: Improvement, sub clauses: 3 Nos (10.1 to 10.3)

8. Define the following terms as per ISO 45001:2018 clause No.3?

Clause No.3.1 Worker:

3.1 Worker

Person performing work or work-related activities under the control of the organization.

3.2 Workplace

Place under the control of the organization where a person needs to be or to go for work purposes

3.3 Competence

Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results

3.4 Injury and Ill Health

Adverse effect on the physical, mental or cognitive condition of a person

3.5 Hazard

Source with a potential to cause injury and ill health

3.6   Risk

It is the Effect of uncertainty.

3.7 Incident

Occurrence arising out of, or during, work that could or does result in injury and ill health

Read more>>>>questions & answers on power plant safety

9. As per clause No.4 of ISO 45001, who are the external interested parties of an organisation?

1. Main external parties of an organisation are;

2. Customers

3. Suppliers

4. Vendors

5. Bank

6. Insurance companies

7. Public

8. Emergency responders

9. Tie up hospitals

10. Media

11. Competitors

10. As per clause No.4 of ISO 45001, who are the internal interested parties of an organisation?

1. Employees/Staff

2. Union

3. Share holders

11. How does the internal issues affect OH Management?

Ø  Type of activities carried out (exposure to hazardous chemical, physical, or biological agents)

Ø  Work and employment practices (organizational change, contractual conditions, workload, ergonomics)

Ø  Workforce characteristics (number, experience, age of workers, diversity)

Ø  Location (activity locations, OH&S factors such as extremes of temperatures among others)

12. What the clause No.5 states as per ISO 45001: 2018?

Clause No.5 states the leadership?

13. What are the responsibilities of Leader as per sub clause 5.1 Leadership & commitment?

Ø  Ensuring OH&S policy and objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction and the context of the organization.

Ø  Ensuring the integration of the OHSMS requirements into business

Ø  Ensuring that the resources of needed for OHSMS

Ø  Ensuring that the OHSMS achieves its intended outcomes

Ø  Directing & supporting persons to contribute to the OHSMS

Ø  Communicate the importance of effective EMS

Ø  Support other relevant management roles and promote improvement

14. What the Policy as per clause 5.1 must include?

Policy of any organisation should include the commitment to;

Ø  Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health

Ø  Compliance of legal requirements and other requirement eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks

Ø  Consultation and participation of workers and their representatives

Ø  Training & Continual improvement

15. Which clause of ISO45001: 2018 incudes roles & responsibilities of employees?

Clause No. 5.3

16. What does the clause No.5.4 state as per ISO 45001: 2018?

Clause No.5.4 states that; Consultation & Partition of workers

17. Define the term opportunity as per per ISO 45001: 2018

Opportunity: A positive deviation arising from a risk can provide an opportunity but not all positive effects of risk results in opportunity.

Opportunities can arise as a result of a situation favourable to achieve an intended result. For example, a set of circumstances that allow the organization to:

Ø  Enhance OHS performance

Ø  Reduce risk

Ø  Eliminate hazards

Ø  Risks and opportunities need to be addressed to:

Ø  Give assurance that the OHSMS can achieve its intended outcomes

Ø  Prevent or reduce undesired effects

Ø  Achieve continual improvement

Ø  Determine Potential emergency situations (those can have an OH&S impact)

18. Why do the risk & opportunities should be addressed as per ISO 45001: 2018?

Risks and opportunities need to be addressed to:

Ø  Give assurance that the OHSMS can achieve its intended outcomes

Ø  Prevent or reduce undesired effects

Ø  Achieve continual improvement

Ø  Determine Potential emergency situations (those can have an OH&S impact)

19. Elaborate some opportunities to improve OH&S performance?

Examples of opportunities to improve OH&S performance

Ø  Inspection and auditing functions

Ø  Job hazard analysis (Job Safety Analysis) and task-related assessments

Ø  Improving OH&S performance by alleviating monotonous work or work at a potentially hazardous pre-determined work rate

Ø  Permit to work and other recognition and control methods

Ø  Incident or nonconformity investigations and corrective actions 

Ø  Ergonomic and other injury prevention-related assessments

20. Explain the Hierarchy of Controls as per ISO 45001: 2018

Hierarchy of Controls for Hazards & risks is as below;

Ø  Elimination: Eliminate the hazard. For example, repair damaged equipment or replace.

Ø  Substitution: Find out the other machine or equipment which can fulfil your demand

Ø  Engineering Control: Modify the machine to eliminate hazards, apply automation, use protections etc.

Ø  Administrative Controls: Adopting safe work practices, job rotation, providing appropriate training, instruction, and information.

Ø  Personal Protective Equipment: Use personal protective equipment. For example, safety shoes, gloves, and others

21. What factors should be considered while planning OHS objectives?

Ø  What will be done

Ø  What resources will be required

Ø  Who will be responsible

Ø  When it will be completed

Ø  How the results will be evaluated

22. What does the clause no.7 states in ISO 45001: 2018?

It states the ‘support’ to implement ISO 45001: 2018 or to achieve planned goals

23. What are the supports required to implement ISO 45001: 2018?

Read more>>>>>questions & answers on power plant safety

Clause No.7.1: Resources: Internal resources, External providers, People, Infrastructure & Monitoring and measuring resources (calibrated/verified or both).

Clause No.7.2: Competence

Ø  Determine competence of person performing the work that affects its OHS performance and its ability to fulfil its compliance obligations.

Ø  Individuals shall be competent based on appropriate education, training, or experience.

Ø  Determine training needs associated with its hazards and OH&S.

Ø  Take actions to acquire the necessary competence. Evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.

Ø  Retain records of competence.

Clause No.7.3: Awareness

Ø  Working individuals shall be aware of the following parameters:

Ø  OH&S Policy

Ø  Significant OH&S Hazards & Risks

Ø  Their contribution in OH&S

Ø  Benefits of enhanced OHS performance

Ø  Amplification of not conforming with OHSMS requirements & non-fulfilling compliance obligation

Ø  Ability to remove themselves from work situations

24. What does the Clause 7.4 states?

It’s related to communication for internal and external communications relevant to the OHSMS.

25. What does the Clause 7.5 states?

ISO45001: 2018 clause no.7.5 states that Documented information & its control. OH&S includes documented information, which is required by this international standard. It is determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of the OHSMS. Perform appropriate review and approval for suitability and adequacy

26. What is the clause No.8 in ISO 45001: 2018?

It is operation planning and control

27. What is the significance of clause No.8 operation planning and control in ISO 45001: 2018?

It helps in;

Ø  Establishing operating criteria for the processes
Ø  Implementing control of the processes
Ø  Controls include engineering controls and procedures
Ø  Ensuring outsourced processes are controlled or influenced
Ø  Determining, assess, and eliminate hazards & Reduce OH&S risks associated with Products and services
Ø  Safe installation & commissioning of equipment etc
Ø  Identifies the hazards; assess and control the OH&S risks arising form contractors’ activities or impacting contractors
Ø  Defines and apply occupational health and safety criteria for the selection of contractors
Ø  Verification of contractor’s experience & education qualification, equipment & other resources used
Ø  Checks the The ability of the external organization to meet our OH&S management system requirements.
Ø  Verifies the Technical competence of the external organization to define appropriate controls or assess the adequacy of controls.

28. What does the clause 8.2 on Emergency preparedness plan state?

Processes need to prepare and respond to potential emergency situations and perform the following tasks:

Ø  Prevent or mitigate adverse OH&S impacts from emergency situations

Ø  Respond to emergency situations

Ø  Prevent or mitigate the consequences of emergency situations

Ø  Test the planned responses periodically

Ø  Review and revise processes and planned responses periodically

Ø  Provide relevant information and training for emergency preparedness and response

Ø  Maintain documented information on these processes

29. What are the different type of emergencies that can be expected in any organisation?

ü  Fire incidence

ü  Explosion

ü  Structure collapse

ü  Electrical short circuit

ü  Steam line burst

ü  Hot water line burst

ü  Snake bite

ü  Monkey attack etc

30. In which clause of ISO 45001: 2018 requirement of instruments calibration is mentioned?

In clause No.9.1 of ISO 45001: 2018

31. Which clause of ISO 45001: 2018 includes incident investigation & corrective actions related tasks?

Clause No.10.2

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