1-What are the various coal
analysis are carried out in plant lab?
- Surface moisture
- Inherent moisture
- Total moisture
- Volatile matter
- Ash
- Fixed carbon
- Unburned carbon
- Moisture in ash
- GCV by Bomb calorimeter & by calculation
- Sieve analysis
2-How do you calculate the
surface moisture (SM) of coal?
Take 100
gram of coal sample whose size is < 12.5 mm & keep this sample in lab
for 24 hours at atmospheric condition.
Then calculate
the surface moisture = Loss in weight X 100 / Weight of the sample (100 gram)
example: After drying the 100 gram coal in lab for 24 hours its total becomes
92 gram then,
Surface moisture = (100-92) X 100
/ 100 = 8%
3- How do you calculate the Inherent
moisture (IM) of coal?
analysis of surface moisture, take 5 gram of coal sample & powder it to 212
microns or 0.212 mm & keep it in oven at temperature 108 deg C for 1 Hr
Sample is then
cooled & is weighed & IM is calculated as
Inherent Moisture = = Loss in
weight X 100 / Weight of the sample (5 gram)
4-What do you mean by Total
moisture (TM) of coal? & how do you calculate the Total Moisture of coal?
containing free visible & non visible water is called total moisture of coal.
The total moisture of coal is due to rain or coal in contact with water.
TM is
Take 100
gram of coal sample of size < 12.5mm & keep it in oven for 1 hour at 108
deg C
Sample is then
cooled & is weighed & TM is calculated as
Total Moisture = Loss in weight X
100 / Weight of the sample (100 gram)
moisture is the sum of IM & SM
5-How do you calculate Volatile
matter present in coal?
Take 2 gram of moisture free coal sample &
keep it in muffle furnace for 7 minutes at 900 deg C temperature. Then cool it
in desiccator for 15 minutes. Then sample is again weighed for final weight.
Volatile matter = Loss in weight
X 100 / Weight of the sample (2 gram)
6-How do you calculate the
percentage of ash present in coal?
Take 1 gram of coal sample & keep it in
muffle furnace for 1 Hr at 900 deg C temperature. Then cool it in desiccator
for 15 minutes. Then sample is again weighed for final weight.
Ash % = Residual weight X 100 /
Total weight of the sample (1 gram)
7-Write down the formula for
calculating Fixed Carbon (FC)
Fixed carbon FC = 100-(TM+VM+Ash)
8-How do you calculate the
unburned carbon in ash sample?
Take 1 gram of ash sample & burn it in
muffle furnace for 1 hr at temperature 900 deg c. Then cool it in desiccator
for 15 minutes. Then sample is again weighed for final weight.
% of unburned carbon = Loss in
weight X 100 / Weight of the sample (1 gram)
9-How do you convert GCV of coal
from Air dried basis (ADB) to As received basis (ARB) & Vice versa?
/ (100-IM)
/ (100-TM)
10-How do you convert coal GCV
from ADB to Dried basis?
ADB to DB = GCVADB X 100 /
11-What are the two different
types of coal analysis?
Analysis & Ultimate analysis
12-What parameters of coal are
analysed in proximate analysis of coal?
Volatile matter, Ash & Fixed carbon
13- What parameters of coal are
analysed in Ultimate analysis of coal?
Total Carbon,
Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen & Sulphur
14-How do you convert Higher Calorific
value of coal into Lower calorific Value coal?
LCV = HCV - (9 X H2 X 586)
15-A coal sample of HCV 5100
kcal/kg having 3.5% of hydrogen in it, then calculate the LCV
LCV = HCV - (9 X H2 X 586) = 5100
– (9 X 3.5% X 586) = 4915.41 kcal/kg
16-A coal sample of GCV 4800
kcal/kg having total moisture 18%, then calculate the Net calorific value (NCV)
of coal
NCV = GCV-(10.02 X Moisture) =
4800 – (10.02 X 18) = 4619.64 kcal/kg
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excellent write up easy to understand, thank a lot to the autor