Mastodon Power plant and calculations: Calculated reasons for increase in Turbine specific steam consumption

Calculated reasons for increase in Turbine specific steam consumption

1. Lower vacuum

Turbine consumes more steam, if vacuum in condenser is maintained on lower side.

Example:  Consider a 20 MW Steam Turbine having Inlet steam parameters 65 kg/cm2 & 490 Deg C & Vacuum maintained in condenser is -0.9 kg/cm2.

Calculate the steam consumption of turbine at vacuum -0.9 kg/cm2 & -0.85 kg/cm2

A-Steam consumption Q at -0.9 kg/cm2 to develop 20 MW power

P =Steam flow X( Enthalpy of inlet steam-Enthalpy of exhaust steam)/ 860

Enthalpy of inlet steam at inlet steam parameters =810 kcal/kg

Exhaust steam enthalpy at -0.9 kg/cm2 vacuum = 619 kcal/kg

Then, 20 = Q X (810-619)/860

Q1 = 90 MT

B- Steam consumption Q at -0.85 kg/cm2 to develop 20 MW power

Exhaust steam enthalpy at -0.85 kg/cm2 vacuum= 623 kcal/kg

Then, 20 = Q X (810-623)/860

Q 2= 90.9 MT

It is clear that, Turbine operating at -0.9 kg/cm2 vacuum consumes lesser steam as compared to turbine operating at vacuum-0.85 kg/cm2

2. Lower inlet main stream pressure& temperature

Turbine operating at higher main steam pressure consumes lesser steam as compared to turbines operating at lower pressure

Example: Consider a 20 MW Steam Turbine having Inlet steam temperature 490 Deg C & Vacuum maintained in condenser is -0.9 kg/cm2.

A-Inlet steam parameters: Pressure: 65 kg/cm2 & temperature 490 deg C , Enthalpy = 810 kcal/kg

Exhaust steam parameters P = 0.9 kg/cm2 & Enthalpy = 619 kcal/kg

Steam consumption of Turbine Q = P X 860 / (Enthalpy of inlet steam-Enthalpy of exhaust steam)

Q = 20 X 860 / (810-619)

Q1 = 90.05 MT

B-Inlet steam parameters: Pressure: 87 kg/cm2 & temperature 515 deg C , , Enthalpy = 818 kcal/kg


Steam consumption of Turbine Q = P X 860 / (Enthalpy of inlet steam-Enthalpy of exhaust steam)

Q = 20 X 860 / (818-619)

Q2 = 86.43 MT

It is clear that, Turbine operating at pressure 65 kg/cm2 & temperature 490 deg C consumes more steam as compared to turbine operating at 87 kg/cm2 & temperature 515 deg C

3. Higher extraction/bleed steam flow

Steam turbines consume more steam to develop same power on higher steam extraction as compared to lower extraction.

Example: A condensing & extraction steam turbine having Inlet steam flow 105 TPH at pressure 65 kg/cm2 & 490 Deg C & Vacuum maintained in condenser is -0.9 kg/cm2.

Here we can cross check the power generation by steam turbine by increasing the extraction flow keeping inlet steam constant.

A-Extraction pressure = 2 Kg/cm2 & Temperature = 150 Deg C, flow = 75 TPH, Exhaust steam to condenser = 30 TPH

Enthalpy of inlet steam, H1 = 810 kcal/kg

Main steam flow Q1 = 105 TPH

Enthalpy of extraction steam = H2 =660 kcal/kg

Extraction steam flow Q2 = 75 TPH

Enthalpy of exhaust team = 620 kcal/kg

Exhaust steam flow Q3 = 30 TPH

Power developed by steam Turbine P = (Q2 X (H1-H2) / 860) + (Q3 X (H1-H3) / 860 )

P = (75 X (810-660) / 860) + (30 X (810-620) / 860) = 19.7 MW

B- Extraction pressure = 2 Kg/cm2 & Temperature = 150 Deg C, flow = 65 TPH, Exhaust steam to condenser = 40 TPH

Enthalpy of inlet steam, H1 = 810 kcal/kg

Main steam flow Q1 = 105 TPH

Enthalpy of extraction steam = H2 =660 kcal/kg

Extraction steam flow Q2 = 65 TPH

Enthalpy of exhaust team = 620 kcal/kg

Exhaust steam flow Q3 = 40 TPH

Power developed by steam Turbine P = (Q2 X (H1-H2) / 860) + (Q3 X (H1-H3) / 860 )

P = (65 X (810-660) / 860) + (40 X (810-620) / 860) = 20.16 MW

It is clear that, Turbine power generation at same inlet main steam flow will increase as extraction flow gets decrease & vice versa

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Power plant & Calculations

4. Higher pressure/temperature of extraction & bleed steam

Higher pressure/temperature of extraction & bleed steam leads to increased steam consumption to generate same power or power consumption reduces at same inlet flow.

Example: A condensing , extraction & bleed steam turbine having Inlet steam flow 105 TPH at pressure 65 kg/cm2 & 490 Deg C & Vacuum maintained in condenser is -0.9 kg/cm2

 A-Bleed steam 10 kg/cm2 & Temperature 200 Deg C, flow =25 TPH, Extraction pressure = 2 Kg/cm2 & Temperature = 150 Deg C, flow = 60 TPH, Exhaust steam to condenser = 25 TPH

Enthalpy of inlet steam, H1 = 810 kcal/kg

Main steam flow Q1 = 105 TPH

Enthalpy of bleed steam = H2 =674 kcal/kg

Bleed steam flow Q2 = 25 TPH

Enthalpy of extraction steam = H3 =660 kcal/kg

Extraction steam flow Q3 = 60 TPH

Enthalpy of exhaust team H4= 620 kcal/kg

Exhaust steam flow Q4 = 20 TPH

Power developed by steam Turbine P = (Q2 X (H1-H2) / 860) + (Q3 X (H1-H3) / 860 ) +(Q4 X (H1-H4)/860)

P = (25 X (810-674) / 860) + (60 X (810-660)/860) + (20 X (810-620)/860)

P = 18.82 MW

B-Bleed steam 14 kg/cm2 & Temperature 260 Deg C, flow =25 TPH, Extraction pressure = 2.5 Kg/cm2 & Temperature = 170 Deg C, flow = 60 TPH, Exhaust steam to condenser = 25 TPH

Enthalpy of inlet steam, H1 = 810 kcal/kg

Main steam flow Q1 = 105 TPH

Enthalpy of bleed steam = H2 =704 kcal/kg

Bleed steam flow Q2 = 25 TPH

Enthalpy of extraction steam = H3 =669 kcal/kg

Extraction steam flow Q3 = 60 TPH

Enthalpy of exhaust team H4= 620 kcal/kg

Exhaust steam flow Q4 = 20 TPH

Power developed by steam Turbine P = (Q2 X (H1-H2) / 860) + (Q3 X (H1-H3) / 860) + (Q4 X (H1-H4)/860)

P = (25 X (810-704) / 860) + (60 X (810-669)/860) + (25 X (810-620)/860)

P = 18.43 MW

It is clear that, Turbine power generation reduces at higher extraction or bleed steam pressure &temperature

Note: Steam consumption of turbine increases if,

1-Bleed steam & extraction steam pressure increases

2-Bleed steam & extraction steam temperature increases

3-Bleed steam flow & extraction steam flow increases

4. Increase of exhaust steam temperature due to more clearance in labyrinth seals

Turbine steam consumption increases if exhaust steam temperature to condenser increases.

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  1. kindly explain the reason behind why specific steam consumption increases at lower vacuum

  2. which turbine have less specific steam consumption and why ? please mention the reason.


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