Mastodon Power plant and calculations: Qualification,roles & responsibilities of power plant manager

Qualification,roles & responsibilities of power plant manager


 Qualification: BE or Diploma with BOE

Experience: 10 to 15 years

Requisite characters & Qualification:

1-He should have thorough knowledge of power plant operation, maintenance & troubleshooting.

2-He should have experience in minimum 3-4 power plants

3-He should have good communication skills

4-He should have good documentation skills

5-Power plant manager should have thorough knowledge in Operation & maintenance activities

6-He should have good soft skills

7-Should have good leadership & Ownership qualities

8-Should have patience & ability to listen his subordinates

9-Should look more on man & machine safety rather than generation & performance

10-Should conduct or arrange trainings among various departments

11-Should handle all situations calmly with patience

12-Should have ability to implement innovative ideas

13-Should have well versed with legal & statutory norms related to Boilers & power plant

14-Should have good drafting skills

15-Should have good negotiation & presentation skills

16-Should strive to improve plant performance

17-Should have good administration & commercial skills

 Roles & Responsibilities:

1-Supervising plant operation & maintenance activities & ensuring safety in every activity

2-Maintenance spare planning

Read >>>Interview Questions for Powerplant manager

3-Maintenance annual budget preparation

4-Site expenditures & budgeting

5-Man power recruitment as per plant requirement

6-Man, machine & property safety

7-Plant house keeping

8-Preparation of monthly management information system

9-Reviewing of daily, weekly & monthly maintenance report

10-Review of daily, weekly & monthly generation reports

11-Arranging internal trainings on safety & other technical subjects

12-Arranging trainings by external experts like OEM, consultants etc

13-Arranging internal audits among various departments

14-Coordination between top management & employees

15-Coordination between top management & stake holders

16-Cost control

17-Appreciation for best performing employees

18-Expedition for following administration rules strictly




1 comment:

  1. Power plant Questions
    & Answers - By C Chattopadyaya
    Energy Manager Volume -2
    Power plant operation & maintenance - A R Malik


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