Lube oil system operation
- Ensure lube oil tank level is normal
- Ensure lube oil pumps are healthy to operate
- Ensure lube filter & cooler are in service
- Ensure lube oil inlet and outlet valve provided at filters & coolers are open
- Ensure cooling water inlet & outlet valves provided for oil coolers are in closed condition
- Ensure suction & discharge valve of the pumps are in opened condition
- Start the oil pump (AOP)
- Ensure no abnormal sound & vibrations
- Observe the discharge pressure
- Ensure header pressure is normal, if not adjust with PRV or recirculation valve
- Check the oil filter DP, if high change over the filter
- Check overhead oil tank is getting filling
- Ensure lub oil is supplying to each bearing & adjust the oil pressure to each bearing as per desired requirement
- Maintain the oil temperature by adjusting cooling water inlet & outlet valves.
Note: Keep open cooling water inlet valve 100% open & adjust the temperature by adjusting outlet valve
- Ensure the over head oil tank is full
- Keep stand by lube oil pump & EOP ready
Barring gear operation
- Ensure lube oil system is in service and oil is circulating at the bearings at a desired pressure
- Ensure barring gear motor is healthy to start & its all interlocks are in place
- Engage the barring gear clutch
- Start the barring gear motor
- Observe the rotor is rotating at barring speed without increase in bearing vibrations & temperature
- Ensure there is no any abnormal sound
Cooling water system
- Ensure the cooling tower level is normal
- Ensure cooling water pump is healthy to operate & their protections & interlocks are in place
- Ensure cooling water pump (MCWP) suction valve is open & discharge valve is closed
- Ensure all the field instruments are healthy & inline
- Ensure surface condenser inlet & outlet cooling water line valves are open
- Ensure Condenser water box vents are open
- Ensure cooling tower inlet cooling water line valves are open
- Start the pump from DCS at 70% RPM
- Open the discharge valve slowly
- Observe discharge pressure is increasing gradually
- Ensure the pump’s vibration & bearing temperatures are normal
- After venting air from condenser water box close the vent valves
- Observe cooling water is falling in cooling water
- Increase the pump’s speed as per requirement
- Note down cooling water inlet & outlet water temperature of condenser
- Start cooling tower fans one by one as per requirement
Condensate system operation
- Ensure the hot well level is adequate. Otherwise make the hot well level with DM water
- Ensure the CEP is healthy & its all interlocks are in place
- Ensure pump’s suction & discharge valves are open
- Ensure ejector & gland sealing steam condenser inlet & outlet cooling water line valves are open
- Start the pump, ensure the water will flow from ejector & Gland steam condenser (GSC)
- Ensure gland steam outlet control valve to deaerator is close & cooling water is recirculating through recirculating control valve
- If the hot well level increases, then GSC discharge valve can be opened
- Once the Turbine comes into line,GSC outlet control valve should be kept in auto mode to maintain hot well level
- Vacuum pulling & Vacuum killing
- Pre-checks
- Ensure auxiliary steam is available at desired pressure and temperature
- Ensure vacuum breaker valve fitted on steam condenser is closed
- Ensure cooling water is circulating in the condenser and the turbine gland is charged fully at 0.1 kg/cm2
- Ensure live steam line to ejector steam lines drain are kept open
- Ensure Hogger & main ejectors steam and air valves are in closed condition
Vacuum pulling through
hogger ejector
- Charge the main steam line to ejector steam & temperature control valve
- Ensure the rated pressure (10 kg/cm2) and temperature (220 deg C) for ejector vacuum pulling
- Once the rated parameters are reached open the steam valve of starting or hogger ejector
- Observe the steam is vented to the atmosphere
- Then open the ejector airline valve
- Observe vacuum inside the condenser increasing slowly and will reach 60 to 70% of rated vacuum within 20 minutes
SOP to put main ejector
into line
- Ensure CEP is running
- Ensure cooling water inlet and outlet valves of main ejector which is to be taken into line
- Vent out air from water box of the ejector
- Then open the drain valve of inter condenser and after condenser of ejector
- Open the steam valve of after condenser ejector
- Open the steam valve of inter condenser ejector
- Observe the condensate is drained out from both the condensers
- Slowly open the air valve & observe the vacuum is increasing
- When vacuum reaches rated, then stop the hogger or starting ejector
Vacuum killing or
Taking out of main ejector
- Close the air valve of the ejector
- Close the steam valve of inter condenser
- Close the steam valve of after condenser
- Close the drain valves of after & inter condensers
- Close the cooling water inlet & outlet valve once the ejector is cooled
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