do you mean by Statics?
It is
the branch of Engineering Mechanics which deals with the forces & their
effects, while acting upon a bodies at rest
do you mean by Dynamics?
It is
the branch of Engineering Mechanics which deals with the forces & their
effects, while acting upon a bodies in motion
are the types of Dynamics?
Branch of science which deals with bodies in motion due to applied forces
Branch of science which deals with bodies in motion without considering the
applied forces
the term ‘Force’
It is an
agent which produces or tends to produce, destroy or tends to destroy the
motion of the body.
is meant by Resultant of Force?
It is a
single force which produces the same effect of all the forces acting on a body
does Lami’s Theorem says?
states that if three coplanar forces acting at a point be in equilibrium, then
each force is proportional to sine of the angle between other two forces
7. What
do you mean by couple?
The two
equal & opposite forces, whose lines of action are different
8. What
do you mean by Centre of Gravity (CG)?
point through which the whole mass of the body acts irrespective of the
position of the body is called as CG
9. Define
Moment of inertia
It is
the moment of moment or second moment of mass or area of a body
10. Define
the term ‘Friction’
A force
acting in the opposite direction to the motion of the body is called friction
11. What
are the types of friction?
friction: Friction experienced by a body, when it is under rest
friction: Friction experienced by a body, when it is in motion
frictions are classified into sliding friction & Rolling friction
do you mean by coefficient of Friction?
It is
the ratio of Limiting friction to the normal reaction friction
13. Define
Newton’s three laws of motion
1st Law:
It states that everybody continues in the state of rest or of uniform motion,
in a straight line, unless it is acted upon by some extent force
law: It states that rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the
impressed force & takes place in the same direction, in which the force
Law: Action & reactions are equal & opposite
14. How
do you calculate moment of Inertia?
M = Mass
X Velocity
15. How
do you calculate the angular velocity of a body if it is rotating at speed N?
velocity = 2
16. How
do you calculate the linear velocity of a body if it is rotating at speed N
& having diameter D?
velocity V = N /
17. What
do you mean by Amplitude?
is the maximum displacement of a body from its mean position
18. How
do you define the work?
a force of F acts on a Body & the bodyundergoes displacement x in the
direction of the Force, then the work is said to be done
W = Force F X Displacement x
19. How
do you define the term Power?
is rate of doing work
is meant by Energy?
is the capacity to do work, expressed in J or calories
21. What
do you mean by Potential energy?
possessed by a body by virtue of its position.
body kept at height ‘h’ & having mass ‘m’ has potential energy E = mgh (g =
9.81 m/sec)
22. What
do you mean by Kinetic energy?
possessed by a body by virtue of its mass & velocity
23. What
is meant by strain energy?
is the potential energy stored in an elastic body when deformed
24. Convert
1 kg of Force into Newton
kg = 9.81 N
25. What
is reversible Machine?
having efficiency < 50% are called Reversible machines
26. How
do you calculate the velocity of freely falling body?
V =
27. What
do you mean by retardation?
is the negative acceleration
28. Does
a freely falling body possesses weight?
29. The
force applied on a body of mass 10 Kg to produce an acceleration 2 m/s2 is…….
F =
ma = 10 X 2 = 20 kg m/s2 = 20 N
30. What
do you mean by Stress?
is force per unit area, Stress = Force / A
31. Define
the strain?
deformation of a body per unit length is called strain
32. What
are the units of stress & strain?
N/mm2 or MPa & Strain: Unit less
is meant by Young’s Modulus?
Modulus = Stress / Strain
33. What
is Poisson’s Ratio?
ratio of lateral strain to linear strain is called Poisson’s ratio
34. What
are the thick and thin cylinders?
Thick Cylinder: Cylinder thickness is greater than 1/15 to 1/10 of
its diameter.
Thin Cylinder: Cylinder thickness is less than 1/15 to 1/10 of its
35. What
are the different types of Beams used in construction?
supported beam
Continuous beam
36. What
are the different types of loading?
or point load
distributed load
varying load
37. What
do you mean by spring?
spring is a device whose function is to start when loaded and to recover its
original shape when the load is removed.
38. What
are the different types of stresses developed in cylinder?
stress or hoop stress & Longitudinal stress
do you mean by strut?
is structural member, subjected to an axial compressive force is called strut.
It may be horizontal or inclined or even vertical.
39. Write
a short note on properties of materials used in engineering of power plant.
Strength: Ability to resist externally applied forces.
Stiffness: Ability to resist deformation under stress.
Elasticity: Ability of materials to regain its original shape after
deformation when the external forces are removed.
Plasticity: Ability of a material which retains deformation
produced under load permanently.
Ductility: Property of metal to become a wire/thin plate after
applying external forces.
Brittleness: Breaking property of material after applying a little
or more load.
Malleability: Property of a material to enable it to roll or hammer
it into thin sheets.
Toughness: Ability to resist fracture due to high impact load.
Resilience: Ability to absorb energy & to resist impact load.
Creep: Ability of a metal to undergo permanent deformation under
constant stress under high temperatures.
Fatigue: Ability to resist repeated stress.
Hardness: Resistance to wear, scratch deformation
40. What
do you mean by column?
is vertical structural member, subjected to axial compressive force.
41. What
are short and long columns?
The columns which have lengths less than
8 times of their diameter are called short columns. And columns which have
lengths greater than 8 times of their diameter are called short columns
42. What
is meant by continuous beam?
beam supported on more than two supports
43. What
is meant by truss?
truss is a structure that consists of two-force members only,
where the members are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a
single object. A two-force member is a structural component where force is
applied to only two points
44. Define
the term ultimate stress
is the ratio of ultimate load to the original cross sectional area
45. Is
Hooks law holds good for Elastic limit?
46. State
the Young’s law?
It is
the ratio of linear stress to linear strain
47. Define
the term density?
is the mass per unit volume of a liquid at standard pressure & temperature.
It is expressed in kg/m3.
48. Define
the term specific volume
per unit mass is called as specific volume
49. What
do you mean by Specific gravity?
It is
defined as the ratio of specific heat of liquid to the specific weight of pure
water at standard temperature (4 Deg C).
50. What
do you mean by Viscosity?
It is
the property of liquid which resists flow of one layer of liquid over another
51. What
are the two types of viscosity?
viscosity & Dynamic Viscosity
52. What
is meant by surface tension?
It is
the property of a liquid which enables it to resist tensile stress
53. What
does Pascal’s law state?
intensity of the pressure at any point in a fluid at rest is same in all
54. What
do you mean by absolute pressure?
It is
the sum of Atmospheric pressure & Gauge pressure
55. What
do you mean by Buoyancy?
It is
the tendency of a liquid to uplift an immersed body, because of the upward
thrust of the liquid.
56. What
are the different types of fluid flow?
flow, on uniform flow, Streamline flow, Turbulent flow, Steady flow, unsteady
flow, compressible flow, incompressible flow, rotation flow, irrotational flow
57. What
do you mean by Ideal fluid?
which has no viscosity
58. What
do you mean by real fluid?
which has viscosity
59. What
do you mean by Reynolds’s number?
It is
the ratio of Inertia force to the Viscous force
60. What
do you mean by Mach number?
It is
the ratio of velocity of fluid in an undistributed stream to the velocity of
sound wave
61. Define
the term Thermodynamics
It is
the branch of Engineering science which deals with the energies possessed by
gases & vapors
62. What
are the different types of Thermodynamics system?
Open system
63. State
the Zeorth law of thermodynamics
The law
states that, when two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they
are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.
64. State
the first law of Thermodynamics
can neither be created nor be destroyed, however it can be transformed from one
form to another
65. State
Charles law, Boyle’s law & Gay-Lussa law
Charles law: The volume of a given
mass of perfect gas is directly proportional to absolute temperature, when the
absolute pressure remains constant
Boyle’s law: The absolute pressure
of gas is inversely proportional to the volume of gas at constant temperature
Gay-Lussac law: The absolute pressure
of a given mass of a perfect gas varies directly as its absolute temperature,
when the volume remains constant
66. Define
the specific heat of a substance
It is
the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of its unit mass by 1 deg
67. What
are the different types of Thermodynamic processes?
process-Constant volume process
process-Constant pressure process
process-Constant temperature process
68. What
are the various types of solid fuels used in power plants?
wood, bagasse, briquettes etc
69. What
are the various types of gaseous fuels used in power plants?
gas, biogas
70. What
are the various types of liquid fuels used in power plants?
HSD, furnace oil, spent wash etc
71. Define
the term calorific value of a fuel
of heat released on complete combustion of 1 kg of fuel
Atmospheric pressure goes on decreasing as altitude goes on increases.
It is 1.033 kg/cm2 at sea level & goes on decreasing at higher elevation from sea level.
It is calculated as below;
Atmospheric pressure at particular elevation = Atmospheric pressure at sea level X (1–2.255 X (10^-5) X Elevation in meter)^5.25585
Note: Pressure is in Kg/cm2
Elevation is in meters.